Please scroll down the page to view our Maryland continuing education webinars and self study programs and pre licensing for life and health.
Live Webinar - February 8 and 9, 2025
Two-Day Live Webinar ( 24 credits) Day one from 8am to 4pm - Qualified long term care Partnership 8LHLTCP - 102744 and 4pm to 8pm - 4LH NAIC 2022 Annuities Suitability /Best Interest 110323 - Day two from 8am to 4pm Insurance Fraud 8LH 102754 or Insurance Fraud 8PC 102753 and 4pm to 8pm Ethics (3Ethics) and Anti-Money Laundering 1LH 106062
After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation. One day prior to the webinar, you will receive login information by email or cellphone.
You can easily earn C.E. credits by using your cellphone, laptop, desktop computer, and telephone - anywhere in the world! No test at end of class.
Click the "Buy Now" button and get 24CE for just $149.00.
Live Webinar - March 1 and 2, 2025
one-Day Live Webinar ( 24 credits) Day one from 8am to 4pm - Qualified long term care Partnership 8LHLTCP - 102744 and 4pm to 8pm - 4LH NAIC 2022 Annuities Suitability /Best Interest 110323 - Day two from 8am to 4pm Insurance Fraud 8LH 102754 or Insurance Fraud 8PC 102753 and 4pm to 8pm Ethics (3Ethics) and Anti-Money Laundering 1LH 106062
After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation. One day prior to the webinar, you will receive login information by email or cellphone.
You can easily earn C.E. credits by using your cellphone, laptop, desktop computer, and telephone - anywhere in the world! No test at end of class.
Click the "Buy Now" button and get 24CE for just $149.00.
Live Webinar - April 5 and 6, 2025.
Two-Day Live Webinar ( 24 credits) Day one from 8am to 4pm - Qualified long term care Partnership 8LHLTCP - 102744 and 4pm to 8pm - 4LHA NAIC 2022 Annuities Suitability /Best Interest 110323 - Day two from 8am to 4pm Insurance Fraud 8LH 102754 or Insurance Fraud 8PC 102753 and 4pm to 8pm Ethics (3Ethics) and Anti-Money Laundering 1LH 106062
After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation. One day prior to the webinar, you will receive login information by email or cellphone.
You can easily earn C.E. credits by using your cellphone, laptop, desktop computer, and telephone - anywhere in the world! No test at end of class.
Click the "Buy Now" button and get 24CE for just $149.00.
(OPTION 6 Self- Study) Life and / or Health agents - 24 credit Package - (3)Ethics 111890 (1)Anti Money Laundering - Qualified Long-Term Care Partnership 8LHLTCP - 100431 - Annuities 4LHAnnuities - 110324 - Business Insurance 8LH - 100458 - Select this package if you have a life and / or Health license. It also satisfies the Ethics and Long-Term Care Partnership refresher requirements. This option will let you take a combo test for 24 C.E.(on-line)
YOU MUST HAVE A LIFE / HEALTH LICENSE TO REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE. Take the test until you pass for free! Only $84.95
(OPTION 10 Self- Study) Life /Health /PC agents - 24 credit Package - (3)Ethics 111890 (1)Anti Money Laundering - Qualified Long-Term Care Partnership 8LHLTCP - 100431 - Annuities 4LHAnnuities - 110324 - Insurance Fraud - 112629 8PC - Select this package if you have a life and / or Health /PC license. It also satisfies the Ethics and Long-Term Care Partnership refresher requirements. This option will let you take a combo test for 24 C.E.(on-line)
YOU MUST HAVE A LIFE / HEALTH / PC LICENSE TO REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE. Take the test until you pass for free! Only $84.95
Single Self-Study C.E. Courses
Qualified Long Term Care Partnership 8LHLTCP 100431- Take the test until you pass for free! Only $44.95.
Business Insurance 8LHLTCP 100458- Take the test until you pass for free! Only $44.95.
Annuities - (2022 NAIC Annuities Suitability Refresher)
110324 4LHAnnuities - Take the test until you pass for free! Only $34.95.
Ethics and Anti- Money Laundering -
111890 3CEs - Life and Health - Take the test until you pass for free! Only $34.95.
Pre-Licensing Life and Health program
Life and Health Pre-licensinig Program, which includes the download book and the 10 practice test and 2 hour consultation with an instructor $128.00.